Tuesday, December 16, 2008

i am forever thankful

This is my entry for avalon.ph Final Contest! Win a Moleskine Weekly Planner! You could also join by simply answering this question:

What are you thankful for this year (2008)?

I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful for their unconditional love, understanding and undying support. No matter what happens I am sure that they will always be here for me. Even though I am an unworthy-daughter-to-carry-our-surname, even though I disobey most of the times, even though I am not someone to be proud of I can still feel their love. This year, I’ve realized how lucky I am to have a complete family and loving parents. I always have badnews for them, failures, mistakes, shortcomings, etcetera but you know what, after all, I didn’t receive any hard-hitting words from them. I thought they will shout at me. I thought they will punish and blame me but they did not. And what did I got? I received understanding, compassion, undertanding, advices... sometimes i do ask myself, what did i do to be so blessed like this?

I am thankful for my parents. For their sacrifices, for racing us, for teaching us, for providing us everything we need, for their presence, cares, supports, inspirational stories, for being a verygood example , for guidance, patience...

A lifetime is not enough for me to return all the good things they’ve done for me. My wonderful journey in this life would not be possible without them.

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