This is my entry for Final Contest! Win a Moleskine Weekly Planner! You could also join by simply answering this question:
What are you thankful for this year (2008)?
I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful for their unconditional love, understanding and undying support. No matter what happens I am sure that they will always be here for me. Even though I am an unworthy-daughter-to-carry-our-surname, even though I disobey most of the times, even though I am not someone to be proud of I can still feel their love. This year, I’ve realized how lucky I am to have a complete family and loving parents. I always have badnews for them, failures, mistakes, shortcomings, etcetera but you know what, after all, I didn’t receive any hard-hitting words from them. I thought they will shout at me. I thought they will punish and blame me but they did not. And what did I got? I received understanding, compassion, undertanding, advices... sometimes i do ask myself, what did i do to be so blessed like this?
I am thankful for my parents. For their sacrifices, for racing us, for teaching us, for providing us everything we need, for their presence, cares, supports, inspirational stories, for being a verygood example , for guidance, patience...
A lifetime is not enough for me to return all the good things they’ve done for me. My wonderful journey in this life would not be possible without them.
What are you thankful for this year (2008)?
I am thankful for my parents. I am thankful for their unconditional love, understanding and undying support. No matter what happens I am sure that they will always be here for me. Even though I am an unworthy-daughter-to-carry-our-surname, even though I disobey most of the times, even though I am not someone to be proud of I can still feel their love. This year, I’ve realized how lucky I am to have a complete family and loving parents. I always have badnews for them, failures, mistakes, shortcomings, etcetera but you know what, after all, I didn’t receive any hard-hitting words from them. I thought they will shout at me. I thought they will punish and blame me but they did not. And what did I got? I received understanding, compassion, undertanding, advices... sometimes i do ask myself, what did i do to be so blessed like this?
I am thankful for my parents. For their sacrifices, for racing us, for teaching us, for providing us everything we need, for their presence, cares, supports, inspirational stories, for being a verygood example , for guidance, patience...
A lifetime is not enough for me to return all the good things they’ve done for me. My wonderful journey in this life would not be possible without them.